"Unable to send e-mail. Please contact the site admin, if the problem persists" Drupal error.

Among other possible causes including your hoster's settings you can get this error if your site name (Configuration->Site Information->Site name) contains non-English characters. Specifically because Drupal (as of version 7.14) handles [site:name] token incorrectly when constructing subject field for outgoing emails.


Adding OpenId Delegation to Drupal 7 site.

Further to reading about getting nice OpenId for your site you might wonder "How do I add those two lines to my Drupal site <head> section?" Forget about installing additional modules - they have very little chance of being supported in the next Drupal release. Instead, read on and see how easy it is to do this yourself.


.NET: XSLT transformation with formatted XML output (with indents and new lines)

Suppose you need to transform one XML string into another XML string. And output XML must be formatted: with new lines and indents. So you can do it like this:


Rar, Winrar - Exclude subdirectory from archive

When you pack your source code by WinRar you may want to exclude some service folders used by third-party products such as Mercurial, SVN or ReSharper. For example, you have next directory structure:


where .hg is Mercurial service folder, _ReSharper.* - ReSharper service folder. You want to pack you source code without .hg and _Resharper.*. Then you command line would be like:


Unity exception: Activation error occured while trying to get instance of type

You can get this exception from Unity: Activation error occured while trying to get instance of type in many cases. And then you can try to look into InnerException stack to find only The type MyType cannot be constructed. You must configure the container to supply this value.. Below are the reasons that can lead to this error message:

  1. The class you try instantiate (or dependent class) is abstract.
  2. The class you try instantiate (or dependent class) has no public constructor.

Setting up OpenId for your site. OpenId delegation.

OpenId is a way of authenticating yourself on the increasing number of websites that support it. OpenId itself looks like url address, something similar to "janedoe.openid.com". There are several OpenId providers you can get your OpenId address from, but wouldn't it be nice to have "yoursite.com" for OpenId instead of "somename.someopenidprovider.com"? Apart from looking cool, it's a good way to promote your site as your OpenId is often displayed in signature field even where other html links are disallowed.


Drupal Syntax Highlighting. Step-by-step Walkthrough

When you search for "drupal syntax highlighting" you will likely get a lot of results involving installation of modules most of them still in beta stage of development. Most of the code you'll find is using SyntaxHighlighter library, which is easy to install and use. Indeed, this excellent library is so easy to use, you don't need any module at all to take advantage of it on your Drupal site. Here's step-by-step tutorial:



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